


Modern research shows that acupuncture is safe and highly effective for treating many conditions. The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture and Oriental medicine as effective for over 43 common ailments. Because patients are now seeking natural ways to resolve their health concerns, acupuncture has become the fastest growing form of healthcare today. The Chinese have been using acupuncture for thousands of years. During this time they have observed the body and how it responds to imbalances in life, internal and external, and developed a complete system for understanding the workings of the body and mind. Acupuncture restores health by stimulating the body’s natural healing responses and increasing its resistance to disease. Traditional Chinese acupuncture recognizes that many times aches, pains and other discomforts are only symptoms of a deeper, underlying health problem. Therefore, a comprehensive diagnosis is compiled which takes into account the whole individual rather than simply categorizing symptoms into a disease. The basis of acupuncture is to build the body’s own immune system so that disease will not penetrate the body. Health is improved by correcting imbalances in the body and allowing it to heal itself naturally. Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of medicine in the world, yet its continued use is strong proof of the power of this medicine!


Primary Care

Flourish Health is a Direct Primary Care. In this model of care, patients pay a monthly membership fee. The membership includes all aspects of routine care including annual wellness exams, same day and next day visits, urgent care visits, house calls and unlimited access to your healthcare provider via email and text. Many other services, such as urinalysis and EKG, are provided at no additional charge. Costlier tests and many prescriptions are available to patients at deeply discounted prices.  Direct Primary Care (DPC) is not insurance. It’s healthcare. It is about a relationship between a patient and their healthcare provider. 


Children ages (0-19) $25.00/month (With an enrolled adult)

Young Adults ages (20-50) $50.00/month

Adults ages (51-64) $75.00/month

Older Adults ages (65+) $100.00/month

Businesses please contact us for employee rates




Mental Health Counseling

Mental health therapy services strengthen the ability to process, adapt, and grow despite challenging circumstances. Distress can occur when life challenges overwhelm the brain's natural coping capacity. Therapy involves a process of reclaiming a sense of power, strengthening capacity to manage strong emotions, and solidifying access to resources, allowing individuals to pave way to the life they want to live. Corinne's resilience-informed approach to therapy includes the use of the technique EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). EMDR is an evidence-based approach that can be used with adults, adolescents, or children experiencing anxiety, depression, trauma symptoms, or stress from overwhelming life events. EMDR engages the brain in a way that integrates resources and adaptive information, allowing for significant improvement in cognitions and emotional well-being.



Massage and Neuromuscular therapy

Many benefits of massage are seen for chronic low back, neck and shoulder pain from sitting and poor posture and for athletic performance as it improves lactate clearance, delays onset of muscle soreness, muscle fatigue, injury prevention and injury treatment by breaking up scar tissue. It is also very beneficial for older, aging clients as well. It improves circulation, joint flexibility, muscle tone and strength, and the quality of sleep. Massage for elders also reduces pain and swelling, lowers blood pressure, and decreases stress, fear and anxiety.

Massage therapy has been proven to help in many other areas of health also. Research indicates that massage therapy can help boost immune system strength by increasing the activity level of the body's natural "killer T cells," which fight off viruses. Massage also decreases inflammation, which can prevent injuries and unnecessary surgeries down the road. 
One study found that levels of the stress hormone cortisol dropped 31% following a massage, showing massage to help with stress and anxiety. The same study showed levels of the feel-good hormones dopamine and serotonin increased by 30%, helping with depression and sleep.

Neuromuscular Therapy
Connective Tissue Therapy
Deep Tissue
Cupping and Gua Sha

Contact: 352-262-6866